spring cleaning tips

Spring Cleaning Tips 2020. Read the Smart how to clean for spring tips. We all know there is nothing more painful than being stuck at home. Especially doing a spring clean rather than enjoying nice Spring weather! However, at some point the cleaning must be done. So here in this Blog post we are giving you spring cleaning tips to help you clean like a pro in no time, or you can leave it to us to help make your house looking as good as new.

Let’s start with the essential Spring cleaning tips.

After being stuck inside during the recent lockdown, take advantage of the sunny weather spring offers to you. First open all the windows to let some fresh air enter into your house. Take all your pillows, mattresses and duvet covers outside to give them some fresh air.

After all, everyone needs some sun! Don’t forget to vacuum everything before putting them back into your room. Vacuum in behind and under your bed, you’ll be surprised at just how much dust can gather.

If you want to choose a quicker option you may be able to put your pillows, blankets (and even some curtains) into your dryer on the “air-only” cycle for about 10-15 minutes. For bedding, give them a wash after making sure they will survive the washing machine, then let them air dry as some bedding can only be dry cleaned.

Don’t forget to re-organise your closet because Spring cleaning is the perfect time to do it.

Airing clothes is important. You may also be able to pop your winter wardrobe away giving your spring and summer wardrobe more air to breathe. While everything is drying, you can move your furniture to be able to vacuum. Be sure to vacuum every corner of the room and under your furniture.

spring cleaning tips 2020

What’s next for our Spring cleaning tips?

We haven’t talked about the more complicated yet. However, you know you have to do it. Yes, you do… We are going to talk about cleaning the kitchen and the bathroom. One of the more important parts of spring cleaning. So just go step by step to be sure to not miss anything.

Spring cleaning tips for your kitchen

spring cleaning tips 2020

Start by cleaning your refrigerator, including throwing out any expired food items or items you know you don’t want to keep. Wipe down your cupboards both inside and out. People often forget this part. Take wipes and clean the tops bottoms and insides of your kitchen cabinets. Use a mid strength multi purpose cleaner and change out your cloth regularly.

Spring cleaning tips for your bathroom

Get ready by making sure you have all the good products and microfiber wipes ready to use. Don’t forget to clean your mirrors, sinks, tub and shower. Have a look at all the shampoo you have and bin the empty one (you know the one you always forget to throw out after your shower!).

spring cleaning tips 2020

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