COVID-19 Alert Level 4

Smart Express wishes to advise all its customers that all Alert Level 4 guidelines are now strictly followed. Following the announcement of a New Zealand wide move to Alert Level 4 effective from 11.59pm on Tuesday 17 August 2021.

This limits all moving and delivery services to only those deemed to be an essential service. House moves and non urgent deliveries are not permitted under Alert Level 4.


We will keep our website regularly updated.

If you have an existing booking with us, we expect to contact you in the coming days. Depending when the picture becomes clearer on what services can be completed after the initial 7 day lockdown period for the Auckland region.

For now, we ask you to remain patient while we and the rest of NZ grapple with this sudden move to Level 4. We support the Government’s call to once again go hard and go early to keep us all safe.

If you need to make contact or have a question please email us at:

Smart Express is committed to supporting the health, safety and well being of all our customers, staff and the wider community as we again go hard and go early.

Thank you, once again.

The Team at Smart Express Movers

Auckland – Tauranga – Hamilton

Call us today or use our Online Quoting Tool 24/7.

The Team at Smart Express Movers

Open 7 Days 7am to 7pm